• Creating a Resume Using LaTeX

    Posted on January 5th, 2013 | Tags: LaTeX, Resume

    When applying for a job or trying to get noticed by a recruiter it helps to have a resume that clearly lays out who you are, what you've done and where you want to go. While updating my resume I decided to do a redesign based on some feedback I had received. While looking around at other resumes I learned that some people were using LaTeX and were easily able to use version control due to the codelike nature of LaTeX. This interested …

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  • Threaded Commenting System In Django

    Posted on December 29th, 2012 | Tags: Django

    The goal of this project is to store a tree (comment thread) in a database. There are several ways to do this and a good list of references can be found at Stack Overflow. The algorithm I'll be using to create our threaded commenting system is called a Materialized Path.

    With the Materialized Path algorithm each comment will store the path to itself. For instance, if we post a comment to an empty thread the path to the comment is {1}. Since …

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  • Push to Multiple Git Repos

    Posted on December 22nd, 2012 | Tags: Git

    Here's a cool little trick I found out about the other day. Even though Git is a distributed revision control system, there are times when you need to push to two systems at once. In my case those systems are Github and Heroku. Here is a simple way to do it by modifying your .git/config file.

            repositoryformatversion = 0
            filemode = true
            bare = false
            logallrefupdates = true
    [remote "heroku"]
            url = [email protected]:maxburstein.git
            fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/heroku/*
    [remote "github"]
            url = [email protected]:mburst/burstolio.git …

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  • Serving Django Static Files on Heroku

    Posted on December 15th, 2012 | Tags: Heroku, Django

    One of my goals when creating this blog was to create a blog that I never had to pay for. Luckily Heroku's free tier allowed me to do just that. While my blog doesn't have many static files (CSS, JS and images) Heroku typically recommends that you host them on Amazon which isn't free. However, Heroku gives you 100mb of free space for your app so I wanted to take full advantage of that and the free bandwidth they offer.

    I tested a …

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  • Hello World

    Posted on December 8th, 2012 | Tags: First

    Hello and welcome to my blog! I'll mainly be using this space to talk about various programming techniques and theories that I find interesting or have developed. From time to time I may branch off to sports or other topics I find interesting. Hopefully you'll find this blog interesting too and will subscribe for the latest updates. I've got some cool articles planned detailing some of the technology this blog is running on (Heroku, Django, Tornado, custom commenting system, etc.) as well as …

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